Destitute Chinese fisherman hauls in rare fish worth $400,000
This kind of sounds made up, but...
So, in a really sketchy report, largely translated into English, a Chinese man caught what they consider to be a "fish made of gold". An older man named Ha, really, considered to be a drunk by his village, went out fishing one night and found this giant 150 pound fish. At first though, he thought it was a dead body so he almost didn't mess with it. Fortunately for Ha, he decided to check it out anyways and found it was a fish. He then tied a rope around it and drug it back to shore. It was discovered this fish was actually a "yellow lipped fish", and the village went crazy.
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From there, the fish went to auction where it sold for approximately a little over $400,000. Apparently these fish are near extinct in Chinese waters due to their demand and apparent health benefits. Fish of this size are especially rare.
What makes this story even a little more crazy, Ha was one of the poorest men in his village of Fujian, China. His entire family had died. His wife left him because was weak, and all he did all day was drink alcohol with the money he got from fishing.
After recieving this money from the auction, Ha vanished that night. As of the time of this article, the village believes he took his new-found fortune and left to make a better life for himself.
We think Ha might have been murdered and somebody stole his money. But, who knows? That's just our guess.