Does smoking while deer hunting scare away deer?
To each their own, here.
Smoking while deer hunting is a controversial topic. Some hunters believe that the smell of smoke will scare away deer, while others believe that it has no effect or may even attract deer. There is some scientific evidence to support both sides of the argument.
Does smoke scare away deer?
Deer have a very keen sense of smell, and they are able to detect the smell of smoke from a long distance. However, this does not necessarily mean that smoke will always scare away deer. In fact, there are many hunters who smoke while hunting and are still successful.
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One study found that deer did not seem to be bothered by the smell of smoke, unless it was very strong. The study also found that deer were more likely to be spooked by human movement and noise than by the smell of smoke.
Factors to consider
There are a few factors that can affect whether or not smoke will scare away deer. One factor is the wind direction. If the wind is blowing from the deer towards you, then they will be able to smell your smoke and may be spooked. However, if the wind is blowing from you towards the deer, then they will not be able to smell your smoke.
Another factor to consider is the type of smoke. Smoke from a campfire or wood stove is more likely to scare away deer than smoke from a cigarette or cigar. This is because campfire and wood stove smoke is more concentrated and has a stronger smell.
Finally, the deer's previous experience with smoke can also affect how they react to it. If deer have been exposed to smoke in the past and have not had a negative experience, then they may be less likely to be spooked by it in the future.
Tips for smoking while deer hunting
If you do choose to smoke while deer hunting, there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk of scaring away deer:
- Choose a light-scented cigarette or cigar.
- Make sure the wind is blowing from you towards the deer.
- Do not smoke in areas where deer are known to bed or feed.
- Be aware of your surroundings and be prepared to put out your cigarette or cigar if you see a deer.
Whether or not smoking while deer hunting scares away deer is a complex issue. There is some scientific evidence to support both sides of the argument. Ultimately, it is up to the individual hunter to decide whether or not to smoke while hunting. If you do choose to smoke, it is important to be aware of the factors that can affect deer's reaction to smoke and to take steps to minimize the risk of scaring away deer.