Likely State Record Pink Salmon Caught and Released in Ohio
Hey, at least he's got a picture!
On October 8, 2023, Andy Davis caught a pink salmon on Lake Erie that was likely a state record. He estimated the weight to be in the high fives, but the current state record is 4.8 pounds. Had Andy kept the fish and got it weighed, he'd likely be a new pink salmon state record holder for the state of Ohio. However, he let the fish go without even a second thought.
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According to the report, Davis's catch is a sign that the salmon population in Lake Erie is picking up. Salmon are a popular game fish, and they help to control large populations of baitfish that exist in Lake Erie. The increase in salmon is also a sign that Lake Erie is becoming a healthier ecosystem.
Salmon are not natural to the Great Lakes and stocking efforts are the primary way stable populations can exist. Ohio does not stock pink salmon in their waters, however speculation is that this fish likely came from Lake Huron, where they do.