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Is it a Fog or a Dox? Could this be the first ever dog-fox hybrid?

Is it a Fog or a Dox? Could this be the first ever dog-fox hybrid?

Sep 13, 2023

Brad Smith

Here's something you've never seen before...

In a still developing news story found in the Telegraph and also on Reddit, but otherwise unconfirmed, a first of its kind dog-fox hybrid has been discovered in Brazil after being hit by a car. 

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"Our analysis suggests that the canid under investigation is a hybrid between the pampas fox and domestic dog, but future studies are necessary to investigate additional cases of this hybridization in nature," as seen in an excerpt

dog-fox hyrbid

Image via reddit 

Pampas foxes are more closely related to wolves than they are true foxes, so that makes this hybridization a lot more likely. To date, no true genetic crosses have ever taken place between foxes and dogs as they are closely related, but different species. 

We have a feeling more information will be forthcoming. Until then, we'll post an update if we ever hear any more. 

headline image via the Telegraph